2021 Forest Of Arden

Tour Report

Well, my 2-year reign as the tour captain has finally come to an end.

I would once again like to thank the 14 members that came up to the Forest of Arden for the 3 days of golf. Also, the very nice card signed by all (reluctantly by one) (P.S.Chris, showed it to Ryan who points out the “Nob Off” should be spelt with a K) & the very thoughtful gift.

Bad points first to get it out of the way.

I, like most thought that staying at a Marriott hotel would provide us with an exceptional standard, & even though it was out of my control & many members very kindly said as such, as tour organiser I can’t help to be a little disappointed & I feel I need to apologise for the poor service & meals received.

Can I also take this moment to thank Chris for the suggestion & the organising of the pub trip, I thought the staff there were very accommodating with great food & great service. By far the best night of the tour.

And so, to the golf.

I thought the weather I provided was just perfect (in fact I have a very nicely tanned baldy head) & the 2 courses played were in superb condition with just the right amount of holes to test all handicaps which gave everyone a chance to post some good scores.

I thought that doing a nearest the pin in 1, 2 & 3 on the shortest holes on the course worked well & would give everyone a chance to win a prize!! However, I didn’t take into account Jane’s superb striking & straightness winning 5 of the 9 prizes, congratulations Jane. And yes Phil, I know the ladies’ tee was halfway up the fairway on some holes, but they still had to be very straight & true, something many of us failed to manage.

The first 2 days were fiercely contested with Peter Long winning the first day on the Arden Course, coming in with 37 points and getting cut 8 shots (never to be seen again)! Bill Ballard 2nd on 31 points & Keith Owen 3rd on 30 points all very good scores on a tough course.

The second day, playing on the Aylesford course everybody scored well (except for Andy Addison who had a poorly arm), Paul Harling was successful on 35 points, Chris Miller 2nd on 34 points and Phil Underhill 3rd on 32 points.

This all set up for a very interesting final day back on the Arden Course, which also doubled for the Bertie Lawson Open but looking at the scores they seemed quite different to the first days on the same course, so I can only feel that alcohol may have had a part to play!!!! On the day Andy (Poorly arm) Addison was victorious on 32 points, Jane DeBeer 2nd on 30 points & Nick Harris 3rd 28.

For the Bertie Lawson Open the true FGS handicap had to be used and after the adjustments & checking it several times it gave us all pleasure (especially Mr Addison) to announce that the winner was Mr Chris Miller who will now be playing off 13 handicap for the next FGS event.

I purposely kept the overall scores a secret as I thouht it would add to the mystery & tension. Rumours were rife with many speculating who would come out triumphant and take on the prestigious honour of organising the 2022 Farmhouse Tour. Phil Underhill with a 4th (28) & 3rd (32) on the first two days was in with a shout, but unfortunately had a bad 3rd day (23), Paul Sherar also had a good first two days with 6th (28) & 4th (31) but again the third day took its toll ending with a 9th (18).

And so, in third place on an overall score of 83 was Phil Underhill in second place with an overall score of 86 was Jane DeBeer.

But with an overall total of 88 & even with osteoarthritis in the back, it gives me great pleasure (and much laughter by Andy & myself) to announce the winner and new/old tour organiser Mr Chris Miller.

Glad to hand the baton back to a legend of tour organisers.

Good luck Chris.

Bill Monaghan (Very tired & very retired* Tour Organiser). (* Until you win and have to do it all over again! - Andy)

Full Results

NameDay 1Day 2Day 3Overall
Addison Andrew23133268
Armstrong Andy22181353
Ballard Bill31231266
De Beer Jane25313086
Harling Paul22351875
Harris Nick26242878
Long Peter37201471
Miller Chris26342888
Monaghan Bill27292581
Owen Keith30242680
Sherar Paul27311876
Stacey Darrell19192462
Underhill Phil28322383
Wyatt Ben18191451